Post a job:

To submit a job opening for approval, please fill the following form. At the end of the form you will be asked to submit the email & wallet address used for your transaction. We will need this when you're ready to remove the listing.

If you have any questions during the process, please reach out live 24/7 on Discord.

This is a Duck DAO managed product.

1. Job information

For companies that have already submitted previous jobs, just fill in Company Name in section 2, we will populate the rest.

2. Company information

*Company Logo should be  a PNG or JPG file of 250 x 250 pixels.

*Company Logo should be  a PNG or JPG file of 250 x 250 pixels.

Max file size 10MB.
Upload failed. Max size for files is 10 MB.
Thank you! Your submission has been received!
All submissions are reviewed internally before publication and may take up to 24 hours before going live.
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Do you need to submit more than 10 jobs?

contact us on discord for bulk uploads.

Mobile 11/24